Tuesday, March 16, 2010

March Madness....

Well a lot of things have happened this month so far. I had a school art competition meet which I was the host for, my grandma passed away and I helped with the big annual ladies conference at our church. But I managed to get three new pieces done. Two of them were for the art gallery at our church for the ladies conference and one was a gift to my grandpa at the funeral (a portrait of my grandma).

Here are the ones I did for church.

Here is the one of my grandma

I will have more coming soon....yay! :-)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Slow Start...

So...I am getting a slow start to this blogging thing. Sorry folks its been over a month since I last posted something. I have been so busy with school. I will at least try to make one post every month. So here is one new one that I did for Jimmy's grandma, she likes art with kids. The other one that I did for his aunt I still need to take a photo of.

I will also be posting some photos of some of my students work this month or next month that they are entering into TAPPS (Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools) art competition. I have some really creative kids. We will be going to Austin next month for the state competition.

Here is a drawing I did of my friend Chris.

That is all for now...:-)

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Reflections of 2009

Happy New Years Eve everybody! Here are some pictures from 2009.

The two biggest events that happened this year was my sister Abbey and myself getting married. It was not a double wedding thank goodness :-). They got engaged after our wedding.

This is my 'photo of the year' because this is the happiest I have seen my grandma in a long time.

This is a photo I took close to our condo. If you look real closely that little tree looks like a mouse with his hands up in a little boat. :-) How funny life is.

When I see things like this I realize why they put it in a glass case because the temptation is unbearable.

I just don't understand why Jimmy (my adorable husband) does not like my slippers. He just doesn't know...how amazing they feel on my feet.

This is Jimmy's little half brother tying up Pops. He is a regular MaCaulay Culkin, so mischievous, and he even looks like him. But it was fun to watch so I had to snap a pic.

Now for a few art pieces...since this blog is supposed to have my art in it. :-)

This is a rose I did for "my secret angel" at school. Her favorite flower is a pink rose, so I thought it was appropriate. Painted with Acrylic.

Most everyone has seen this one either at the wedding or at our condo. But I will put it up here anyway. The tree buds and trunk are made out of fabric pieces that I have left over from college. The top title part of my blog is a closeup of one the buds. I did this one is acrylic and oil. I really like the layout of this one. I just kind of winged it and went with the flow on this one, I didn't have a picture of a tree or anything as a reference. But I like doing a series of canvases that fit together like a puzzle. I think I will be doing more of those.

Here are a couple of things I made for Christmas because I didn't like the one's at the store.

Well I hope you enjoyed some of the pics from 2009! It was a great year. Can't wait to see what happens in 2010! God has blessed us so much already. :-) I can't believe I have already been married for almost 5 months. Time flies when your having fun! So long 2009....

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

welcome everybody to my humble abode!!

Well I guess I will start out by saying HELLO!

I think this might become the museum displaying the brains of Audrey and what she's all about, which might get a little weird sometimes. But sometimes I have some interesting thoughts so I hope you enjoy them.

Here is an oldie that I did back in high school. I called it "Peace" at the time :-). But now I'd like to call it "Ebony meets Ivory". I believe I won like 3rd place for this one in a school competition, but that was like 5 years ago and I do not have the greatest memory. :-) This one was done with oil paints.

I will be posting some more old school artwork later along with some newer stuff. Thanks for reading!